He who waits for God expects judgment and fire. In the judgment of fire the light of His salvation shines forth. If your vision fails when you look at the sun, it is the fault of your eyes, not of the great light.
- Eberhard Arnold
August 21,2025
- Eberhard ArnoldWhen we are no longer able to be there for all men, when we can no longer concern ourselves with the need and suffering of the whole world, our life has no longer any right to exist. As long as I live, I shall protest if people who are fighting for any ideal whatsoever no longer find an understanding among us. People who are fighting with a free and generous spirit for purity, for national unity, for pacifism, for a renewal of national characteristics, who are fighting for any political ideal, for any renewal of society cannot do it just in their own strength. If we were to have an understanding only for Anabaptist thinking, I shall not go along with it. I shall protest against it as long as I live.
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Faith’s entered in –
- Eberhard Arnold, Sannerz, ca. 1921
true conversion is here.
Now the will is pure
and active and clear.
God is this will,
and he gives from above
new life, where all
was dead, and new love.
Yesterday we again had about a hundred people in our house. The Letter to the Romans, which is the affirmation of justice, and the question of group living in community of goods, was our agenda…What we want is not an academic or student organization. We want personal, organic exchange between university people, middleclass and working class people, who are moved by Christ and lead a free life of inward truthfulness and love.
- Eberhard Arnold