The mystery of the Church is Christ shining in her. He reveals His presence in the pure fire of the Holy Spirit. The clarity of His light tolerates no defilement. The mystery of the Church is the pure expectation of the coming of God’s majesty in glory.
- Eberhard Arnold
November 27,2025
- Eberhard Arnold When the Time was FulfilledPerhaps you have waited for years to be freed from some need or sin. For a long, long time you have looked out from the darkness in search of the light. Maybe you have a difficult problem that hasn’t been solved, in spite of great efforts. But then, when the time is fulfilled and God’s hour arrives, a solution, light, and deliverance will come quite unexpectedly. Perhaps quite differently than you might think. Hasn’t this happened to you before, just as a baby comes at his own time, and no impatience or hurrying can compel it – but then it comes with its blessing and full of the wonder of God? Hasn’t God’s help come to you sometimes in this way?
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He who waits for God expects judgment and fire. In the judgment of fire the light of His salvation shines forth. If your vision fails when you look at the sun, it is the fault of your eyes, not of the great light.
- Eberhard Arnold
Faith’s entered in –
- Eberhard Arnold, Sannerz, ca. 1921
true conversion is here.
Now the will is pure
and active and clear.
God is this will,
and he gives from above
new life, where all
was dead, and new love.